We had the pleasure to work for Engineering Remediation Resources Group in Snohomish County installing a series of culverts. Kriska, LLC provided welding, crane and heavy equipment operations throughout the contract.

Kriska recently installed two fish bypass bridges for some very fortunate land owners on Derby Creek, Peshastin, WA. Kriska is absolutely enthralled to be apart of fisheries rehabilitation and to provide landowners with some gorgeous bridges. We'd like to give a massive shout out to Cascade Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group and the FFFPP funding program to make projects like these possible.

Its always a great time getting the band back together helping Global Diving & Salvage with their derelict vessel removals. Global is a premier international salvage company and Kriska is very fortunate to be able to come play. So, how bout it! A couple more pieces of contaminated trash out of our waterways!